
A baby born through IVF is referred to as a "test-tube baby." IVF stands for in vitro fertilisation, where "vitro" is Latin for "glass." In these situations, a female egg and a sperm are combined outside the uterus in a glass vessel for fertilisation. IVF and test-tube children are identical and have no differences whatsoever.

Who is recommended for a test tube baby?

  • Blocked Fallopian Tubes:
  • Blocked Fallopian tubes are one of the major causes of infertility. It causes major problems when it comes to fertilisation of eggs and sperms. In addition, the fallopian tube is the pathway by which the embryo enters the uterus. The embryo's journey is hampered by a scarred fallopian tube.

  • Endometriosis:
  • Endometriosis is the overgrowth of tissue outside the uterine walls. Endometriosis disrupts the proper functioning of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

  • PCOS:
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that affects women of reproductive age. PCOS symptoms can include irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles, as well as elevated levels of male hormones known as androgens.

  • Problems in Ovulation:
  • The number of eggs produced by the ovary is reduced and of lower quality when the ovulation phase is disrupted. To enable fertilisation, healthy eggs are required.


  • Stimulation:
  • In the first step, fertility drugs are administered to the woman because IVF calls for multiple eggs. The patient will be monitored by the doctor and undergo routine USGS and blood tests.

  • Egg Retrieval:
  • In this surgical procedure, a needle will be inserted into a woman's vagina to reach her ovaries, and a suction device will be used to remove an egg that contains a follicle.

  • Insemination:
  • In this procedure, the sperm from the semen sample is mixed with the egg in a petri dish. The sperms fertilize the eggs overnight.

  • Culture of the embryo:
  • This glass dish will be kept in a lab under a doctor's supervision, and it will be closely watched to see if the egg is dividing or developing. The embryos are also subjected to genetic testing at this stage.

  • Transfer:
  • Three to five days after fertilization, the embryo has become big enough, it is implanted into a woman’s uterus with the help of a catheter. The later process of pregnancy takes place in the embryo and it takes 6-10 days.


We've made sure that the cost of test tube baby treatment is within every couple's budget and that they don't have to second-guess themselves before realising their dream of becoming parents. So, if you are planning to undergo treatment and are looking for a low-cost test tube baby, we are the place to be.

Success Rate:

A variety of factors influence the success rate of test tube baby treatment, including age, infertility duration in males and females, lifestyle, other health conditions, infertility cause, sperm and egg quality, infertility type, and so on. Embrion IVF Centre is a standout amongst the most trusted Infertility Centre in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, offering infertility treatment of international standards. Embrion IVF Centre has become the first choice of couples seeking fertility treatment from all over the world due to its excellent patient care and reputation for high IVF success rates in a very short period of time and at an affordable cost.


  1. Babies born from test tubes have malformations:
  2. The assumption that children born in test tubes have birth defects is untrue. The operation is entirely risk-free and has nothing to do with the current issue. In actuality, the likelihood of this issue is exactly the same as that of a conventional pregnancy. Since the birth of the first IVF child in 1978, technology has advanced significantly.

  3. Test tube babies are artificial:
  4. Fact: This is a different myth that also fits many stereotypes. When it comes to using this technology to become pregnant, the method is different, but otherwise it is exactly like being pregnant naturally. Sexual activity is the only distinction. Therefore, avoid believing such fallacies and keep yourself informed at all times.

  5. Test tube babies are infertile:
  6. It is also believed that since both the mother and father experienced reproductive issues, their unborn child will likewise have these issues. This does not imply that the children inherit the infertile gene. Baby born in a test tube is just as normal and healthy as a baby born normally.

  7. Test tube babies are a painful procedure.
  8. One of the most widespread misconceptions about IVF is that it is unpleasant; in reality, it is becoming more patient-friendly. IVF injections are given with a very fine needle and are not painful. They can be readily given and are remarkably comparable to the insulin shots that many diabetics receive throughout their lifetime. Therefore, it is incorrect to believe that IVF is incredibly painful.


A couple who is unable to conceive a live birth even after having well-timed and unprotected sexual activity is said to be infertile. Only by a thorough diagnostic can the causes of this medical problem be determined.

In-Vitro fertility treatment is often known as the "test tube baby procedure." A child that's been conceived outside of a woman's body is known as a "test tube baby.” In this procedure, a man's sperm is used to process a woman's egg in a lab until an embryo develops. The embryo enters the womb through the vagina, and if any of the embryos adhere to the womb's lining, you can become pregnant successfully with the "test-tube baby procedure."

A test tube baby's success is dependent on a woman's physiology, and the success rate with this procedure is only about 37.6% if the woman is under 35. The outcome of this procedure is also influenced by other variables, such as infertility, age, egg and sperm quality, etc.

In-Vitro Fertilization is a form of ART. Here, the egg and sperm from the donor/couple are taken and fertilised outside the body in test tubes and then implanted into the uterus.

It is a frequent question that perplexes a lot of people looking for infertility treatments. The truth is that IVF treatments and test-tube babies are identical. In other words, they both signify the same thing.