Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a commonly used technique to increase the chances of having a baby. It involves the process of placing the sperm into the uterus to enhance the chances of conception. Individuals and couples who are disturbed due to the problem of infertility usually opt to go to an IUI Specialist for expert advice to lead the journey towards parenthood.

Various reasons can affect the fertility of an individual, such as a low count of sperm, poor motility factor, etc. Embrion, the IUI Center in Ahmedabad, is at the forefront of helping couples. With the help of our IUI Treatment, this obstacle of not being able to conceive can be eliminated as millions of healthy sperm are prepared and injected into the uterus during the process of ovulation.

It is proven by the statistics that IUI Treatment leads to successful conception. According to some recent studies conducted, it is analysed that, around 10-20% per Intrauterine Insemination cycle, healthy results are found with the process of IUI Treatment, depending on age and fertility factors.

Who Should Go for IUI Treatment?

A very common question that would arise is about the eligibility criteria for IUI Treatment. Thus, many dynamic factors can affect the formation of this answer. Let us understand the eligibility criteria according to the IUI Center experts :

1. Age and Infertility Issues

Age is a common factor that affects the fertility of an individual. Especially at the age of 35 or above, if you are facing any problem in conception, then it is advised to consult an IUI Specialist about it by visiting an IUI Center like Embrion.

2. Infertility due to the Male Factor

It is a viral myth that usually, infertility is because of any cause of limitation in women. However, it is essential to understand that male infertility plays a vital role when it comes to the topic of conception. Factors like low sperm count, poor motility, etc., can be the reason for the lack of fertility.

3. Conditions Affecting Reproductive Organs

These are certain conditions that can act as a barrier in the process of fertilisation. Conditions like tubal diseases or genital diseases are not suitable for the process of IUI; thus, it is advised to consult an IUI Specialist before taking any steps. The above-mentioned condition can affect the process of egg fertilisation, making other treatments like IUI more appropriate.

4. Endometriosis and Pelvic Adhesions

When the tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, that can cause a challenge in the IUI Treatment. This condition is known as endometriosis.

5. Absence of Partner During Ovulation

If the couple are going through a busy schedule and where the partner is frequently away during ovulation, IUI can be a saving option. It allows you to have a personalised schedule for conception, which increases the chances of conception even with limited opportunity for natural conception.

Deciding if someone is suitable for IUI Treatment should happen after a careful check-up done by a fertility expert specialising in Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).

Benefits of IUI Treatment in Ahmedabad

IUI Treatment boasts a high success rate, providing hope for those seeking to become parents. There are multiple factors why IUI Treatment can be a viable option for a successful pregnancy.

  • IUI is less expensive
  • IUI allows for a natural conception process
  • IUI is effective for bypassing cervical issues
  • IUI is effective for male factor infertility
  • IUI has given positive results

As you begin the journey of starting a family and look forward to becoming parents, we understand the importance of the emotional support you require, especially when undergoing IUI Treatment in Ahmedabad. We aim to provide compassionate guidance and utilise the latest technology for IUI to help you understand and fulfil your wishes. Keep your trust intact and benefit from the IUI Treatment.

How is IUI Treatment Done?

IUI Treatment helps increase the chances of successful fertilisation, as it focuses on advancing the number of sperm near the egg when released from the ovaries. IUI Treatment in Ahmedabad has been a connecting bridge for individuals who wish to go on a journey of parenthood and helps them reach their destination with utmost care.

Before we move further, we need to understand the process of Intrauterine Insemination Treatment conducted by our IUI Specialist in Ahmedabad.

The Intrauterine Insemination process consists of two main steps :

Step 1 : Growth of Eggs


Consultation is the first step of the journey, as it helps to build trust for the further journey. Here, the expert at our IUI Center discusses your medical history, conducts tests, and takes you through the IUI procedure.

Ovarian Stimulation

Fertility medications are usually prescribed by doctors to generate more eggs for better results. It increases the chances of successful fertilisation.


The progress of IUI will be monitored through various methods like blood tests and ultrasound technology. It helps to analyse the procedure and the path of success towards the journey of parenthood through IUI.

Trigger Shot

A hormone injection is given when the eggs are mature.

Step 2 : Introduction of Sperm in the Uterine Cavity :

Collection of Sperm

On the day of the IUI procedure, the male partner provides a semen sample. The sample is washed and prepared in the lab to remove impurities.


A prepared sperm is inserted directly into the uterus through the cervix by an IUI specialist with the help of a thin and flexible catheter. This process is relatively quick and usually painless.

Rest and Observation

It is necessary to rest at the IUI Center before returning to the routine. There's usually no need for anaesthesia; patients can return to their daily routines immediately.

Waiting and Testing

You will have to take a pregnancy test after 2 weeks to know. Approximately two weeks after the IUI procedure, you'll take a pregnancy test to determine if the IUI was successful.

It's important to remember that success rates may vary depending on individual circumstances. It is advised to discuss this with the Best IUI Specialist in Ahmedabad.

Confirming Pregnancy After IUI

The earliest you can test for pregnancy is about 14 days after IUI. Testing before this might result in a false negative or a false positive due to the residual hormones from fertility medications.

Also, a factor of having multiple pregnancies can be there. Thus, it becomes necessary to note and be aware of the signs (changes) you experience after the IUI sessions. Reach out to our IUI Center for pregnancy confirmation.

IUI Care : Before and After the Treatment

Before and after your treatment at an IUI Center, it is essential to take proper care of yourself for the best possible outcome. Here are a few suggestions :

Before IUI :

  • A balanced diet is a must
  • Be hydrated and exercise regularly
  • Take medications only on prescription
  • Do not smoke, drink or take drugs
  • Practise yoga or relaxation methods to be stress-free

After IUI :

After your IUI treatment, take care of yourself with these tips :

  • Follow the advice of the doctor
  • Do not do strenuous activities
  • Stay away from alcohol and tobacco
  • Avoid negativity and stressful environment
  • Prioritise self-care and be aware of yourself

Proper care and monitoring of your health are important to increase successful IUI Treatment. Whenever you consult us for your IUI Treatment in Ahmedabad, consult us whenever you feel you have any uncommon signs or symptoms post-IUI or if you need help with staying calm/relaxed. We will help you to take care of yourself for a happy parenthood phase.

How Successful is IUI Treatment?

The success rate of IUI Treatment fluctuates between 7% and 10% per cycle. Further, the success rate may even increase from 15% to 25%.

Women who are below 40 have more than a 50% chance of pregnancy after six cycles of IUI Treatment. It means the chances of IUI working might be lower for older women. If there are issues causing infertility, like problems with the sperm or eggs, it can affect how well IUI works.

Why Choose Embrion IUI Center in Ahmedabad?

Everyone who seeks therapy or treatment also looks for comfort, honesty, reliability, and affordability. Embrion ensures our patients receive all these without compromising on high-quality standard Intrauterine Insemination or IUI treatment.

If you need safe IUI Treatment, you choose us. Our dedication to our patients has helped them start their family. From the initial consultation to every therapy and follow-up session, we are there by your side, helping you make informed decisions. Our transparent approach is what makes us a trustworthy space where couples and families can discuss their fears and get the very support and assurance they need!

We understand what you might go through during this phase, and our team helps you conquer every challenge. Choose Embrion IUI Center in Ahmedabad, and you will always feel confident during the journey to a successful pregnancy. It is your journey to parenthood; let us sail you through the voyage of welcoming your little bundle of joy through exclusive IUI Treatment.

Contact our IUI Specialist by booking an appointment through various mediums at your convenience. Trust us with your problems because your solution is right here with us.

Addressing Common Misconceptions About IUI Treatment :

1. IUI Misconception : Age does not affect fertility.

IUI Fact: Getting older can make it harder to have a baby. As you get older, it might be tougher to have a baby because things like low sperm count, egg quality, and ovulation problems can happen more often.

2. IUI Misconception : IUI leads to higher chances of congenital birth defects.

IUI Fact: IUI is an easy way to help sperm get to the egg. There's no major risk with IUI for babies to have birth defects like naturally born babies.

3. IUI Misconception : If a couple had a baby naturally, they would not face infertility issues.

IUI Fact: Even if you had a baby before, you might have trouble having another one. It is called secondary infertility. If it happens, it's important to visit an IUI Center where you can get help. They might suggest treatments like IUI.

4. IUI Misconception : Before IUI, hormone treatments could pose long-term risks.

IUI Fact: Taking hormones before IUI might not be risky in the long run. Some people might have small problems, but they usually get better with time.

5. IUI Misconception : IUI surgery is really painful.

IUI Fact: IUI isn't a very painful procedure. It might feel a bit uncomfortable when the doctor puts a thin tube into the uterus, but it's not usually painful.


IUI is a technique to increase the chances of having a baby. It involves placing sperm inside a woman's uterus close to the fallopian tubes to increase the chances of conceiving. IUI Treatment is considered one of the best methods to increase the chances of pregnancy.

No, there is a very minimal amount of pain, as it is an invasive process. Patients may experience a bit of pain or a little cramping while going through this procedure. Other than this, it is a painless process, depending upon the circumstances.

The success rate of IUI is very high, which is a positive sign for parents who wish to conceive. In research, it is found that women under 40 have more than a 50%-75% chance of getting into a successful pregnancy after going through 6 cycles of IUI.

IUI is considered one of the low-risk treatments. One of the prominent risks attached to IUI is multiple births, which increases the chances of twins or triplets. Still, the risk is in rare cases.

It is easy to prepare for IUI Treatment. You should be on a healthy diet and avoid any circumstances of stress, also try to avoid hot baths, and ask as many questions to comfort yourself and be stress-free.

You should wait for 14 days after the IUI Treatment, testing beforehand might result in a false positive due to the residual hormones from fertility medications. Consult our IUI Center if you have any doubts.

There are two ways in which you can know about the failure of IUI. Firstly, you may experience an abortion, and secondly, you may have your periods. It can usually occur because of the low quality of the egg or sperm.