ICSI Treatment is a part of IVF that helps to change the perspective of looking at male-factor infertility. The process includes the step of putting one sperm directly into an egg, which leads to the advancement of the fertility rate and offers a positive scenario for the couple facing challenges. ICSI Fertility Treatment is considered one of the most reliable options for testing male infertility around the world.

Many couples wish to conceive naturally. But sometimes, it's possible to fulfil this wish. Some couples fall behind in the process of conceiving because of issues with the man's sperm. It can further make the dream of having a baby seem impossible. But, luckily, there's good news, as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection gives hope and confidence to make these dreams come true.

As an innovator in reproductive medicine, we offer advanced treatments like ICSI Fertility Treatment, promoting couples to live their dreams of parenthood. At Embrion IVF we believe everyone deserves the joy of building a family. We are here to make that dream a reality through ICSI Treatment in Ahmedabad. Our team of specialists, blends skill with empathy, supporting you through each stage of your fertility journey with attention.

Who Should Go for ICSI Treatment?

ICSI Treatment For Males

ICSI Treatment can act as a lender to last resort for couples facing male infertility challenges. It is preferred in cases where there are issues with sperm count, shape, and movement or if there are blockages in the tubes carrying sperm. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in Ahmedabad is used as a part of ICSI Treatment. Following are some of the reasons which can hinder the process of conception :

  • If there aren't enough sperms available or there are very few (called Oligozoospermia).
  • If the sperms are not shaped appropriately (called Teratozoospermia).
  • If the sperms move slowly (called Asthenozoospermia).
  • If there's a blockage in the epididymis or vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm.
  • If the tubes that carry sperm are missing from birth (called congenital absence).
  • If there is a substance in the body that can harm sperm (called anti-sperm antibodies).
  • If previous attempts at fertilisation have failed.

ICSI Treatment For Females

ICSI Treatment isn't just for male factor infertility – it's also a solution for certain female fertility hurdles, from tough outer layers on eggs to previous failed attempts at fertilisation.

ICSI Treatment offers hope where conventional methods fall short. Following are some of the reasons which can hinder the process of conception :

  • If the outer layer of the egg is too tough (called resistant zona pellucida).
  • If there are substances in the body that attack sperm (called anti-sperm antibodies).
  • If previous attempts at fertilisation have failed.
  • Especially if the woman is older.

If you find yourself experiencing any of the stated situations, don't hesitate to contact Embrion IVF, the premier ICSI Treatment Center in Ahmedabad. Here, you can expect personalised care for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection and the most effective ICSI treatment procedure available in Ahmedabad.

Benefits of ICSI Treatment

ICSI Treatment helps in conceiving babies for couples who are facing problems in getting pregnant. ICSI Treatment helps to increase the fertility of male sperm. It makes sure that the egg and sperm meats and start growing into an embryo. There are various reasons why ICSI is considered a successful treatment :

  • ICSI Treatment is cost-effective
  • ICSI Treatment allows men with low sperm count to regain fertility
  • ICSI Treatment increases the chances of pregnancy for women over 35
  • ICSI Treatment is Effective for individuals suffering from reproductive system diseases
  • ICSI Treatment helps reduce the chances of genetic disorders
  • ICSI Treatment has a high probability of conceiving, with less risk

How is ICSI Treatment Done at Embrion?

At Embrion IVF Hospital, we understand that ICSI Treatment in Ahmedabad can be a complex and emotional experience. Our counselling service supports you throughout this journey.

ICSI Treatment in Ahmedabad is listed below :

Step 1 - ICSI Counselling

At Embrion IVF, one of the Best ICSI Treatment Center in Ahmedabad, we understand the emotional weight of ICSI treatment. Our counselling offers a safe space to discuss your feelings and goals. We explore your expectations and provide coping mechanisms.

Step 2 - Medications

Medications are used to stimulate your ovaries at the ICSI treatment center to produce multiple mature eggs in a single cycle, compared to an egg per month. This process is called Ovulation Stimulation.

Step 3 - Extraction of Mature Eggs

A small operation is performed to carefully take out the grown-up eggs from the ovaries. With these steps, the ICSI fertility treatment usually works well.

Step 4 - Sample of Semen

A semen sample is collected from the partner, ideally on the day of the procedure. H- The earliest sperm is selected for the next step.

Step 5 - Sperm-Egg Fertilisation

A single, selected sperm is directly injected into each mature egg using a microscopic technique to achieve fertilisation.

Step 6 - Embryo Implant

After fertilisation and development, one or more healthy embryos will be carefully placed into the uterus using a thin catheter for implantation and potential pregnancy.

These detailed steps reflect the detailed approach taken at Embrion Hospital to ensure the success of the ICSI treatment process. Each stage is carefully monitored to optimise the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Confirming Pregnancy After ICSI

A blood test is done about 1-2 weeks after the embryo transfer to check for pregnancy. This is because it takes time for the embryo to implant in the uterus and for the body to start producing the pregnancy hormone hCG, which the blood test detects.

The journey toward parenthood is a line of hope, with which the whole family binds their emotions. It is necessary to stay patient and wait for at least a week before reaching out to any ICSI Treatment Center in Ahmedabad.

Pre- and Post-Care - ICSI Treatment

Ensure that you follow these tips for a successful pregnancy journey through ICSI. It is important to take the doctor’s advice.

Pre Care Tips

  • Go through a complete, proper consultancy.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet.
  • Eat healthy food to make your body ready for ICSI Treatment.
  • Manage your stress level and try to take things lightly.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking for a healthy embryo.

Post Care Tips

  • Take a good amount of rest (Sleep for at least 7-8 hours).
  • Take your prescribed medicines regularly.
  • Follow a healthy diet. Eat food rich in protein, vitamins, iron, and calcium.
  • Avoid intake of junk food.
  • Try to stay active or do some light work with the doctor's advice.
  • Avoid drinking, caffeine, and smoking.
  • Do not lift heavy things as it can worsen your condition.

We understand the importance of emotional support throughout the journey of parenthood. We will be here all the time to care about all your requirements and conditions. We offer a combination of diverse advanced technology handled by expert guidance for procuring the best possible results.

How Successful is ICSI Treatment?

Ensure that you follow these tips for a successful pregnancy journey through ICSI. It is important to take the doctor’s advice.

First cycle : Up to 32% chance of pregnancy.

Subsequent cycles : Up to 49% chance of pregnancy.

Factors affecting the success of ICSI Treatment :

Female partner's age : Younger women tend to have higher success rates.

Infertility history : The duration and cause of infertility can influence success.

Egg, sperm, and embryo quality : All play a role in a healthy pregnancy.

Male infertility : ICSI is particularly helpful for addressing male factor infertility.

Why Choose Embrion ICSI Treatment Center in Ahmedabad?

At Embrion IVF, one of the best ICSI Centers, we understand your unique situation and needs. We encourage you to go through an ICSI therapy session with our specialist so that we can understand your hopes and conditions more specifically for a personalised experience. Our ICSI Treatment specialist concentrates on making your experience stress-free for a smooth journey towards parenthood.

Our ICSI Treatment in Ahmedabad is well known for its combination of services of a warm welcome along with a comprehensive consultation and reaching out for a personalised approach. Do not hesitate to consult an ICSI Treatment Specialist at Embrion IVF for any guidance and support comfort. We will make sure your dreams of parenthood are processed with a high probability of success rate.

Addressing Common Misconceptions About ICSI Treatment :

1. ICSI Misconception : IVF treatment is better than ICSI.

ICSI Fact : ICSI works just as well as IVF. In ICSI, the sperm is put right into the egg, which can help solve some fertility problems.

2. ICSI Misconception : ICSI has higher success rates than IVF.

ICSI Fact : ICSI is good for male infertility, especially when other treatments don't work. But, like IVF, ICSI doesn't always work. Success depends on many things.

3. ICSI Misconception : ICSI babies are not normal.

ICSI Fact : Babies born from ICSI or IVF are normal. Once pregnancy happens, these pregnancies are like any other.

4. ICSI Misconception : ICSI requires more than one sperm.

ICSI Fact : ICSI needs only one healthy sperm to fertilise an egg.

5. ICSI Misconception : ICSI causes a pregnancy to be ectopic.

ICSI Fact : It's very rare for ICSI to cause an ectopic pregnancy.


ICSI Treatment is a process of placing one sperm directly into an egg. It leads to an increase in the chances of fertility and is also considered a reliable option to test for male infertility.

ICSI Treatment is mainly for the individual, facing the problem of infertility and hurdles in conceiving. If the sperm count, shape, and movement are not appropriate or if there is an issue with the tube carrying the sperm, then the individual should go for ICSI treatment.

ICSI Treatment involves multiple steps: Starting with the most important step of consulting, then egg stimulation and retrieval, sperm collection, the creation of embryos in a lab setting and, finally it ends with an embryo transfer.

It allows men with low fertility to go on the journey of conceiving, it also increases the chances of pregnancy, and most importantly it helps reduce the chances of genetic disorders. Along with this, it has many more benefits, consult an expert for the best advice.

The success rate of ICSI Treatment is very high, it ranges from 60-70%. This rate is sufficient for a healthy conceiving process if you don't have any rare circumstances.