Female Infertility is a health issue that shows a negative level of activeness of fertility. It shows the difficulty level of the female to get pregnant and become a parent. It involves frequent and unprotected intercourse in the hope of conceiving naturally but fails due to problems in females.

Female Infertility can be diagnosed after the occurrence of the following situations: If the female is older than 35, but pregnancy doesn’t happen after six months of trying to get pregnant and if younger than 35, then the duration is one year.

It is essential to know that infertility isn’t just an issue for a female. Both males and females play an important role when it comes to the process of conceiving. Male infertility factor is just as prevalent as female. However, when the focus shifts to affecting individuals with a uterus, it’s termed as Female Infertility.

At Embrion IVF, we provide you with the best tools and technology for the best Female Infertility Treatment in Ahmedabad with authenticity and a belief to make your journey of parenthood easy.

Statistics related to Female Infertility

According to a detailed study, female infertility is considered to be 37% among infertile couples. Surprisingly, in 35% of cases, male and female factors play a role, emphasising the importance of considering both partners in fertility assessments. At Embrion IVF, a Female Infertility Treatment in Ahmedabad, we understand the emotional rollercoaster of infertility and are committed to supporting individuals and couples on their journey to parenthood. Our Female Infertility Treatment Center provides personalised treatment plans and compassionate care every step of the way.

Types of Infertility in Women

Infertility in women can be either primary or secondary :

Primary Female Infertility

It happens when someone has never been pregnant before and is having trouble getting pregnant. If you're over 35 and trying for six months without success, or if you're under 35 and trying for a year without luck, it's called primary infertility.

Secondary Female Infertility

Secondary infertility is when someone has had at least one successful pregnancy and birth before but is having trouble getting pregnant again.

Female Infertility Causes

There can be various Female Infertility Causes, including age-related factors, hormonal imbalances, underlying medical conditions, and lifestyle or environmental influences. Each case is unique, requiring personalised evaluation and treatment to address specific concerns and optimise the chances of conception.

Some of the well-defined Female Infertility Causes are as follows :

1. Ovulatory Disorders (25%)

If ovaries don't release eggs as they should, It can happen because of hormone imbalances or other issues. Without eggs, it's hard to get pregnant.

2. Endometriosis (15%)

Endometriosis is when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. It can cause pain and make it tough for eggs to travel.

3. Pelvic Adhesions (12%)

Pelvic adhesions are like scars inside the pelvis. They can happen after surgeries or infections. These scars can stick organs together, making it harder for eggs to move through the fallopian tubes.

4. Tubal Blockage (11%)

Sometimes, the tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus can get blocked. It can be due to infections, surgeries, or other issues. If the tubes are blocked, the egg can't meet the sperm, so pregnancy becomes difficult.

5. Other Tubal/Uterine Abnormalities (11%)

It includes other problems with the tubes or uterus that make it hard for pregnancy to happen.

If you are experiencing challenges with Female Infertility, whether it be related to Female Infertility Diagnosis, treatment, or understanding of Female Infertility Causes, Embrion IVF Hospital is here to provide comprehensive care and support. Our specialised Female Infertility Treatment Center in Ahmedabad offers advanced female infertility diagnosis services and personalised treatment plans.

Female Infertility Symptoms

The primary indication of infertility is the difficulty in conceiving.

Recognising the need for Women Infertility Treatment starts with paying attention to some female infertility symptoms :

  • Difficulty getting pregnant
  • Menstrual cycle changes
  • Missed periods
  • Painful or heavy periods
  • Hormonal changes

Hormones play a vital role in fertility, and changes in hormone levels can affect the ability to conceive. The hormone fluctuations can affect the body in many ways, including :

  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Cold feet and hands
  • Facial hair in females
  • Thinning hair on the crown
  • Reduced sex drive

Testing Methods For Female Infertility

Various testing methods are engaged during Women Infertility Diagnosis, helping healthcare professionals identify issues and treatment plans to meet individual needs.

The Testing methods our Female Infertility Treatment Center in Ahmedabad provide are categorised into the following -

Test 1: Ovulation Testing

It is to ensure that eggs are released at the right time in the body. It's done with a simple blood test that looks at hormone levels.

Test 2: Thyroid Function Test

This checks if the thyroid gland, which controls many functions in the body, is working properly. Sometimes, thyroid issues can affect fertility.

Test 3: Hysterosalpingography Test.

It is a way to check for any problems in the uterus or fallopian tubes. A special dye is inserted into the uterus, and an X-ray is taken to see if everything is okay.

Test 4: Ovarian Reserve Testing.

It helps doctors to figure out how many eggs a woman has left for making babies. It usually starts with hormone testing during the menstrual cycle.

Test 5: Imaging Test like pelvic ultrasound.

These use sound waves to create pictures of a woman's reproductive organs, like the uterus and ovaries. Sometimes, a test called a saline infusion sonogram is used to get a closer look inside the uterus.

It is essential to consult a Female Infertility Treatment Specialist for any further guidance on the diagnosis.

Female Infertility Treatment in Ahmedabad

Some women need only one or two treatments to improve fertility. Others may need a few types of Female Infertility Therapy to become pregnant.

1. Fertility Medicines

These medications are often the first line of treatment if Women Infertility Treatment is due to ovulation issues. They work by helping the ovaries release eggs, especially if ovulation is irregular or not happening at all.

2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI involves placing healthy sperm directly into the uterus when the ovary releases one or more eggs. This procedure can be timed with your menstrual cycle or combined with fertility medicines to improve the chances of pregnancy. The sperm can come from your partner or a donor.

3. Surgery for Uterine Conditions

Surgery can address specific conditions affecting the uterus. Hysteroscopy, a minimally invasive procedure, can address issues like polyps, scar tissue, and some fibroids.

4. Assisted Reproductive Technology

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) encompasses various treatments aimed at helping couples conceive when natural methods don't work. The main idea behind ART is to handle both the egg and sperm outside the body to increase the chances of fertilisation.

One of the most common ART techniques is In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), which involves several key steps :

  • Stimulating Egg Production
  • Egg Retrieval
  • Fertilisation
  • Embryo Transfer

Why Choose Embrion Female Infertility Treatment Center in Ahmedabad?

We at Embrion IVF are well-known for our successful outcomes and exceptional care. We commit to providing high-quality services along with the latest advanced technology. Our team of experts are dedicated to achieving your dream of parenthood with the use of Female Infertility Treatment in Ahmedabad, ensuring the best possible results with personalised methods.

Furthermore, we provide comprehensive diagnostic services with a combination of hormonal evaluation, ultrasound imaging, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and genetic testing. We understand the uniqueness of each individual, and our Female Infertility Treatment in Ahmedabad is designed to focus on each separately.

With Embrion IVF, don't let infertility stand in the way of your dreams; learn more about Female Infertility Treatment with us. Consult our Female Infertility Treatment Center today.

Addressing Common Misconceptions About Female Infertility Treatment :

Female Infertility Misconception 1 : The birth control pill causes infertility

Female Infertility Fact: The pill does not make women infertile. When a woman stops taking the pill, her periods usually start again within a month. If they don't, she should see a doctor.

Female Infertility Misconception 2 : Fertility is mostly a female issue

Female Infertility Fact: Having a baby involves both a man and a woman. Both men and women can have problems that make it hard to have a baby like men having testicular pain or women having changes in their periods. Age also affects how easy it is to have a baby.

Female Infertility Misconception 3 : If you had one child, you could have another

Female Infertility Fact: Having one child doesn’t mean it will be easy to have another. Some people have trouble getting pregnant again, which is called secondary infertility.

Female Infertility Misconception 4 : Irregular periods mean infertility

Female Infertility Fact: Irregular periods don’t always mean a woman is infertile. Things like exercise, stress, sleep, and lifestyle can affect a woman’s period.

Female Infertility Misconception 5 : Women can't get pregnant after 35

Female Infertility Fact: This is a myth. Many women over 35 can still get pregnant. Only one in six women over 35 might have trouble getting pregnant.


Female Infertility can be referred to as the condition of not being able to get pregnant. If you are younger than 35 and haven't been able to get pregnant after trying for one year, or if you're older than 35 and haven't conceived after more than six months, then these are the signs of Female Infertility.

There can be multiple causes of Female Infertility. Like ovulatory disorders, endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, tribal blockage, or any other issue related to tubal or uterine abnormalities. These causes can be due to factors like ageing, hormonal imbalances, underlying medical conditions, etc.

The diagnosis of Female Infertility includes a physical examination, along with blood tests, laparoscopy and ultrasound scans. These are the ways diagnosis of Female Infertility can be performed.

Female Infertility can be treated with the help of multiple options like- medicine, surgery, IUI, IVF, lifestyle changes or assisted reproductive technologies. To know which Female Infertility Treatment suits your condition the best, It is advised to consult an expert for the best advice.

Female Infertility can be categorised into two types i.e. primary and secondary Female Infertility. Primary Infertility is for those females who have never been pregnant before and are having trouble getting pregnant. On the other hand, Secondary Infertility is when someone has had at least one successful pregnancy and birth before.