Frequently Asked Questions


While the majority do survive, some embryos simply do not survive the process, despite our best efforts to select the highest quality. This is a rare occurrence, but it does occur and is a risk of cryopreservation.

Good quality embryos can be frozen during IVF or ICSI procedures where only one embryo is transferred (the medical term is 'cryostorage'). Cryopreserved frozen embryos can then be used later if treatment fails or if you want to have more children.

We assess the embryo's potential viability at the time of freezing. We can decide by looking at the embryos' structures and important elements, such as size, that may affect survival during the freezing process.

Sperm that has been frozen can normally be kept for up to 50 years. About half of the sperm survives the thawing procedure.

Donated sperm, eggs, or embryos can easily be stored through cryopreservation, helping other couples fulfil their child-bearing aspirations. Additionally, it might be carried out for future pregnancy attempts, medical needs, the danger of falling fertility, or just for convenience. The freezing of embryos is frequently utilised in the IVF process to preserve extra embryos obtained after treatment, assisting many people and couples to continue having children without having to go through the IVF procedure again.

Donor program

You have already proven in your medical history that you are able to successfully deliver a healthy baby and bring a pregnancy to term. You would be eligible to participate in the screening procedure for egg donors.

Certainly. Egg donation is done before the oocytes are released so it doesn’t matter if you have your tubes tied or not.

Yes. Your eggs will be removed vaginally, preventing the need for abdominal surgery. You will be given sedation or a light anaesthetic throughout this treatment. The retrieval process is typically completed in 15-20 minutes.

Couples that are thinking about receiving the donation are the beneficiaries, and people who decided to donate their egg or sperm are the donors. The donor program means someone uses donated gametes to conceive a child.

The minimum age requirement for egg or sperm donation is 21 years old, while the maximum age is 35 years old.


These days, endometriosis is a female reproductive health problem that is highly prevalent. It is a disorder in which tissue that resembles endometrium begins to grow outside of the uterus.

Endometriosis typically manifests as irregular and heavy periods, infertility, painful sex, cramping during sex, etc.

It contributes to health problems like menstruation pain. The majority of women also endure deteriorating circumstances throughout time, which can lead to infertility issues.

When considering surgery for their condition, women are typically advised to have a laparoscopy. In this procedure, the surgeon removes or destroys endometriosis or scar tissue that has accumulated in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic tissue.

No, you need to relax for at least a week to come back to normal, and then it depends on how quickly you recover.

Female Infertility

According to research, at least 10% of women are infertile, and as women get older, their chances of becoming infertile rise.

Infertility doesn't affect health in any way. However, its stigma can have an emotional and psychological impact on a woman, which can further cause unrest, hopelessness, and guilt. So, if you're going through this, see a gynaecologist right away.

There are many factors that can alter a woman's capacity to conceive. These consist of:

  • Age
  • Smoking
  • Abuse of alcohol
  • Stress
  • bad diet
  • Having an unhealthy weight
  • sexually transmissible diseases (STIs)

The most typical cause of female infertility is ovulatory dysfunction. The regular method of releasing one egg at mid-cycle is unsuccessful for a number of reasons. This can occur in a variety of illnesses, including PCOS, thyroid problems, endometriosis, disturbed HPA axis, etc.

No periods, irregular periods lasting longer than three months, changes in sex life, unexplained weight gain, painful sex and periods and more are indications of female infertility.


The advantages of hysteroscopy are as follows:

  • to find endometriosis, fibroids, or polyps as the source of abnormal bleeding.
  • to find uterine myomas, which cause painful and irregular bleeding in the uterus.
  • There is little pain because there is no abdominal wound.

The hysteroscopy procedure is quick. To ease the minor discomfort, most patients require postoperative medications. For two weeks, a patient shouldn't insert anything, not even tampons, into the vagina. Due to some bleeding and soreness in the uterus area after hysteroscopy, the patient may have to take some time off work. This symptom only lasts for two to five days.

Some patients who have this surgery find it challenging to fall asleep right away. This is due to the fact that they are still experiencing some discomfort, pain, and soreness in their pelvic area. If a breathing tube was used during the general anaesthesia, there may be some throat scratching, vaginal bleeding, uterine cramping, etc. It may be best if you take prescription medications or ask your doctor for something to help with pain management if you are having trouble falling asleep after surgery.

There are multiple reasons why you may need to consult your doctor for hysteroscopy. There may be a reason to consult with a gynaecologist for a hysteroscopy if you experience unusual lower abdominal pain, have heavy periods, or experience severe vaginal bleeding (more than one pad per hour) with a high fever, or vomiting, the inability to urinate, or shortness of breath.

During the procedure, the cervix will be injected with anaesthetic and given local anaesthesia. As a result, the procedure won't be too painful. The surgery itself typically causes period-like pain in the majority of women. This is fairly brief and settles in large part within 20 minutes.


ICSI stands for Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection. It is a form of ART where the sperm is directly injected into the ovum to help in the process of fertilization.

ICSI is recommended to the couple if abnormal semen analysis is diagnosed. If you have a low sperm count, unexplained infertility, or less sperm mobility, you can go for ICSI.

Some of the dangers of ICSI treatment include:

  • The damage caused by the needle insertion may have an effect on a few eggs.
  • Miscarriage
  • 0.8% risk that a baby will have a chromosomal abnormality

Twin pregnancies can occasionally result after IVF or ICSI procedures. However, the emergence of the single embryo transfer to avoid multiple or twin pregnancies is a result of technological improvement.

The procedure of sperm fertilisation with the egg is the primary distinction between IVF and ICSI. The egg and sperm are left in a petri dish during IVF to allow fertilisation to happen naturally. To improve the likelihood of conception, ICSI involves injecting the chosen sperm directly into the cytoplasm of the egg.


In, Intra-uterine insemination the sperms are directly inseminated/injected into the uterus, increasing the chances of pregnancy.

IVF is a series of procedures like egg retrieval, egg stimulation, fertilisation and more. Whereas in IUI, the sperm is injected into the uterus. IUI is less invasive and less expensive than IVF.

IUI is recommended by doctors when one experiences unexplained infertility issues or the sperm count and mobility are relatively low. As sperm will be inseminated directly into the uterus, it decreases the taken by sperm to travel to the egg, increasing the chances of pregnancy.

Most people get pregnant in the first 3 to 4 cycles of IUI. The IUI cycles depend on factors such as age, cause of infertility, lifestyle, and more.

IUI treatments aren’t painful. However, most women experience cramping.


In-Vitro Fertilization is a form of ART. Here, the egg and sperm from the donor/couple are taken and fertilised outside the body in test tubes and then implanted into the uterus.

The process of IVF includes five main steps: stimulation of ovaries, retrieval of eggs, fertilisation of eggs, embryo transfer day and a pregnancy test.

Many things play an influential role in choosing whether IVF is right for you or not:

  • Severe male infertility
  • Blocked fallopian tube
  • Irregular period cycle/ PCODs and many others.

IVF is suggested when you have unexplained infertility or in the case of endometriosis. Women who decide to get pregnant after their mid-30s might find it hard to conceive in such cases, IVF is advised.

Sex isn’t unsafe for women during the IVF process though it can be uncomfortable for females because of enlarged ovaries due to the process. You should once consult the doctor if any sort of pain or discomfort stays persistent after sex.

Everyone’s body is different and their own. There’s no telling how many IVF cycles your body needs as various factors affect your fertility. The success rate is typically for three IVF cycles.


Talk to your doctor immediately if you develop a fever, intense discomfort, bleeding, or urinary issues following your surgery.

Using small incisions, laparoscopy is a technique for performing medical procedures.

You must stay for at least 2 days, though your doctor may decide to change that.

It is extremely advisable due to its many advantages such as with the use of laparoscopy, the tubal and peritoneal variables and more are being treated. Additionally, this surgical method has fewer difficulties, a short hospital stay, tiny scars, and a quick recovery period.

Male infertility

Sperms are collected through masturbation and collecting semen in a clean dish. However, sometimes, if the sperm count is low then they are taken directly from the epididymis through surgery.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve an erection strong enough to allow for satisfying sexual activity for both partners. Erectile dysfunction can range in severity from having no erection at all to having a half erection that is insufficient to penetrate your partner or disappears quickly after you do.

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejects seminal fluid during intercourse too soon to please his partner or oneself. The disease is more prevalent in the first stages of a relationship and is frequently linked to worry or excessive stimulation. Even though premature ejaculation often goes away on its own, it sometimes needs medical treatment.

Yes, infertility can occur even if your sperm count is "normal." Low sperm motility, abnormal sperm, anti-sperm antibodies, poor sperm viability and obstructions in the sperm ducts can contribute to male factor infertility.

Alcohol reduces sperm count. Drinking too much can affect your testosterone levels and sperm production, which affects your sperm count. Alcohol consumption should always be moderated.

Semen analysis

A semen analysis is a fundamental investigation of a sperm sample taken during ejaculation that aids in determining a man's reproductive potential. It evaluates sperm quality in accordance with benchmarks set by the WHO in 2021.

A sperm analysis test involves collecting and testing a man's sperm in a lab. This is done to test and evaluate sperm volume and quality. The sperm analysis test determines and detects male fertility issues.

One of the most common causes of male infertility is a low sperm count or sperm quality. The doctor may advise the concerned male on medicines, surgeries, and/or therapies based on the sperm quality, volume, and movement.

  • Avoid ejaculation for 24 to 72 hours before the test.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and drugs such as cocaine and marijuana two to five days before the test.
  • Stop taking any herbal medications.
  • Avoid any hormone medications

Before collecting the sperm samples, our Doctor will advise you to take the following precautions:

  • To avoid any sexual activity within 3-4 days before the sample collection. This makes sure the sperm count is still high.
  • No lubricants are to be used as it affects the motility of the sperms.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine for at least a week before the test.
  • Any hormonal medication should be avoided.

Test tube baby

A couple who is unable to conceive a live birth even after having well-timed and unprotected sexual activity is said to be infertile. Only by a thorough diagnostic can the causes of this medical problem be determined.

In-Vitro fertility treatment is often known as the "test tube baby procedure." A child that's been conceived outside of a woman's body is known as a "test tube baby.” In this procedure, a man's sperm is used to process a woman's egg in a lab until an embryo develops. The embryo enters the womb through the vagina, and if any of the embryos adhere to the womb's lining, you can become pregnant successfully with the "test-tube baby procedure."

A test tube baby's success is dependent on a woman's physiology, and the success rate with this procedure is only about 37.6% if the woman is under 35. The outcome of this procedure is also influenced by other variables, such as infertility, age, egg and sperm quality, etc.

In-Vitro Fertilization is a form of ART. Here, the egg and sperm from the donor/couple are taken and fertilised outside the body in test tubes and then implanted into the uterus.

It is a frequent question that perplexes a lot of people looking for infertility treatments. The truth is that IVF treatments and test-tube babies are identical. In other words, they both signify the same thing.


A scan helps to: Evaluate the unborn child's growth, Check to see if the mother is carrying more than one child, Find the baby's heartbeat during pregnancy, Measure the infant's size and more.

Sonography is generally safe to use during pregnancy. The transducer pressure, however, can be a little uncomfortable or painful if someone has had any prior lower abdominal problems or injuries.

A full bladder is a necessity to do sonography during pregnancy. Only when your bladder is completely full can you get a clear picture of the foetus. Therefore, it's crucial to drink at least 10 to 14 glasses of water one hour prior to the ultrasound appointment time.

The photos that are taken during an ultrasound can be used to see the baby. The spine, skull, and heart of the unborn child are able to be seen and measured thanks to foetal ultrasonography. Either the vagina or the lower abdomen can be used for ultrasound. It is known as transvaginal sonography and transabdominal sonography respectively. An easy approach to evaluate the unborn child's growth is by foetal ultrasonography.

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