Hysterosalpingography (HSG Test) is a specialised X-ray procedure designed to examine the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes. This test is primarily used to determine if the fallopian tubes are partially or completely blocked. It also helps in assessing whether the uterus has a normal size and shape.

At Embrion IVF, we help with issues that may affect your fertility. We provide a comfortable and supportive environment for HSG Testing at the Best HSG Test Center in Ahmedabad. We provide personalised care based on your HSG results and overall fertility assessment.

Effectiveness of HSG Testing

HSG is recognised as an effective Female Fertility Test for tubal patency, particularly for infertile couples. An extensive analysis involving 4,521 women from seven different studies highlighted the utility of HSG. The pooled sensitivity and specificity rates were 53% and 87%, respectively, for detecting any tubal pathology. For bilateral tubal pathology, these rates were 46% and 95%.

At Embrion IVF, the best HSG Testing in Ahmedabad, we're ready to assist you in starting your family. Our team is experienced in reproductive health and offers advanced procedures including the HSG Test. We're dedicated to creating personalised plans just for you, we understand the different requirements of each individual and work accordingly.

Choosing Embrion means choosing a friendly team that will support you every step of the way.

Who Benefits from HSG Testing?

The HSG test, available at our HSG Test Center in Ahmedabad, offers numerous benefits for those assessing their fertility. Let’s delve into the understanding of the concept of who can benefit from the HSG Test.

IVF Candidates

People considering in vitro fertilisation (IVF) often undergo an HSG to ensure they have a clear understanding of their reproductive health before proceeding.

Couples Trying to Conceive

If you're having trouble getting pregnant, an HSG can help identify any issues hindering conception.

Women with Past Reproductive Health Concerns

Those with a history of pelvic infections, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or endometriosis may benefit from an HSG to assess any resulting damage.

Women with Unexplained Fertility Issues

When standard tests like ultrasounds and hormone checks don't reveal the cause of fertility problems, a Female Infertility Test offers a more detailed examination.

Previous Tubal Surgeries

If you've had surgeries on your fallopian tubes in the past, an HSG can help determine if they're functioning properly.

Known Uterine Abnormalities

For women with known uterine issues like fibroids or scarring, an HSG test provides valuable insight into how these conditions might impact fertility.

Hysterosalpingography Test Center in Ahmedabad provides valuable information that can guide effective treatment. If you think you might benefit from an HSG test, our team is here to support you on your fertility journey.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) Procedure Preparation

Preparing for your HSG procedure is important to ensure everything goes smoothly. Here's what you need to know:

The best time for your HSG procedure is typically between 7 to 10 days after the start of your period. This timing ensures optimal conditions for the exam.

Depending on your doctor's recommendation, you may need to take a course of antibiotics before the test. This helps prevent any potential infections.

On the day of your HSG test, you can eat and drink normally, sticking to your usual routine. To ease any discomfort during the exam, consider taking ibuprofen a few hours beforehand. If you're feeling anxious, talk to your doctor about premedication options to help you feel more at ease.

By following these simple steps, you'll be well-prepared for your HSG procedure, putting your mind at ease and ensuring a successful experience. If you're ready to take the next step in your fertility journey, schedule your HSG test at Embrion IVF offering the best HSG Testing in Ahmedabad. Trust our expert team for all your female fertility test needs and let us help you achieve your dreams of parenthood.

Process of HSG Test

When it comes to starting a family, understanding your body is key. That's where an HSG Test (Female Fertility Test) comes in. It's a test that helps doctors check your reproductive health. It's best to have it done in the first two weeks of your period (usually days 1 to 14). This timing makes sure you're not pregnant during the test. Let's take a closer look at what happens during an HSG and why it's important for your fertility journey.

Step 1

A woman is comfortably positioned under a fluoroscope, a specialised X-ray imager capable of capturing real-time images during the procedure. The patient lies on a table while the gynaecologist or radiologist attends to her.

Step 2

The gynaecologist or radiologist examines the uterus and gently places a speculum in her vagina to access the cervix.

Step 3

The cervix is cleansed and a slender device called a cannula is inserted into the cervical opening.

Step 4

A specially formulated liquid containing iodine, visible under X-ray, is delicately introduced into the uterus through the cannula. This contrast fluid aids in visualising the internal structures during the procedure. These steps are done under the guidance of specialised doctors in the particular field, still having doubt is normal. Don’t hesitate to take a step forward and contact the best HSG Test Center in Ahmedabad for female fertility tests.

Step 5

The fluoroscope captures images as the contrast fluid flows through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes. The white contrast highlights the contours of the uterus and the path of the fallopian tubes. Any abnormalities or blockages within the uterine cavity or fallopian tubes can be detected through these X-ray images.

Step 6

The gynaecologist or radiologist carefully observes the images for any disruptions in fluid movement, indicating potential abnormalities within the uterine cavity or fallopian tubes.

Step 7

Side views of the uterus and tubes may be obtained by adjusting the patient's position on the table, allowing for a comprehensive examination.

Step 8

After the completion of the HSG, the patient can resume normal activities immediately. However, some doctors may advise refraining from intercourse for a few days as a precautionary measure.

In conclusion, undergoing an HSG test is a crucial step in understanding and improving female fertility. At our HSG Test Center in Ahmedabad, we provide expert support and therapy to help you with your journey towards becoming a parent. If you're considering a female fertility test, our team at Embrion IVF is here to support you with the highest quality services. Don't wait to take control of your fertility health.

HSG Test Results: What Do They Mean?

Once your HSG test is done, you won't have to wait long for the results. Here's what happens next: The radiologist carefully examines the images captured during the procedure, looking for any signs of blockages in your fallopian tubes and checking for any irregularities in your uterus. After analyzing the images, the radiologist sends a report to your doctor, which contains all the findings from the test. Your doctor will then interpret the results, explaining what the findings mean for you and your reproductive health.

Based on the results, your doctor will provide recommendations for your situation, which may include further tests or treatment options. Understanding your HSG test results is an important step in your reproductive health journey, helping you and your doctor make informed decisions about your fertility treatment plan.

Why Choose Embrion HSG Test Center in Ahmedabad?

At Embrion, we provide top-quality technology for crucial diagnostic procedures used to evaluate the shape of the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes. With an expert medical team and advanced technology, we plan to get a concrete diagnosis and formulate a personalised future treatment plan.

We ensure a comprehensive approach to HSG Testing in Ahmedabad to analyse and understand your reproductive health, helping to identify any issues that may affect your fertility. We also concentrate on minimising the risk and discomfort during the testing.

If you're considering an HSG test, trust the experts at Embrion IVF. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way.


HSG(Hysterosalpingography) is a test using an X-ray that helps outline the uterus's internal shape, and analyse the fallopian tube situation, whether they are blocked or not. To conduct an HSG Test, a substance known as contrast material is injected into the uterus, and a thin thread is inserted through the vagina and cervix.

HSG has a high accuracy rate, up to more than 90%. It has a satisfactory predictive value, which helps in identifying the factor of infertility, for analysing any further situations.

Firstly, the best time for your HSG Test is 7 to 10 days after the start of your period. In certain cases, if the doctor recommends you might have to take antibiotics, and there is no restriction on any intake of food or beverages, you can stick to your usual routine.

There might be a mild discomfort in the procedure. You may feel symptoms like cramping because of the insertion of the dye solution into the uterus, especially in case of blocked tubes. The cramping will only last a few hours in severe cases.

Yes, it is possible to conceive after a hysterosalpingography (HSG) Test. In fact, in certain cases, it can increase the chances of pregnancy, as the dye used in the test can clear minor blockages in the fallopian tubes, which leads to improved fertility and enhance the chances of pregnancy.